Lab Activities

Reiteration Method Measurement of horizontal angle



To measure the horizontal angle between two points using the reiteration method.


In surveying, a horizontal angle is the angle between two lines in a horizontal plane.

Surveyors employ the reiteration method to measure horizontal angles by observing the angles between two stations using a theodolite or a transit. This method involves taking measurements and calculating the angle, ensuring accurate results.

Surveyors commonly employ the reiteration method in triangulation and traverse surveys



  1. Theodolite or Transit
  2. Tripod Stand
  3. Plumb Bob
  4. Target Prism
  5. Measuring Tape

 Procedure: of reiteration

  1. Set up the theodolite or transit on a tripod stand at the first station.
  2. Use the plumb bob to ensure the theodolite or transit is vertically aligned.
  3. Level the theodolite or transit using the levelling screws.
  4. Rotate the telescope so that it points to the second station.
  5. Locate the target prism at the second station.
  6. Rotate the theodolite or transit until you align the crosshairs of the telescope with the target prism.
  7. Record the horizontal angle reading from the theodolite or transit.
  8. Move the theodolite or transit to the second station.
  9. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to obtain the horizontal angle reading between the first and second stations.
  10. Repeat the entire procedure to obtain multiple measurements of the horizontal angle.

Result: of reiteration method

The measurement of horizontal angles by reiteration method yields accurate results.

You can use the average of the multiple measurements as the final value.

 Precaution: reiteration

  1. Ensure that the theodolite or transit is accurately leveled.
  2. Avoid any movement of the instrument during the measurement process.
  3. Position the target prism at the second station, ensuring it is at the same height as the theodolite or transit.
  4. Avoid any parallax errors while taking readings.


The reiteration method is an efficient and accurate method for measuring horizontal angles.

Surveyors commonly utilize the reiteration method in triangulation and traverse surveys, enhancing measurement accuracy by taking multiple readings and calculating the average value. Following precautions ensures precise and dependable results.

Initial setting time of cement

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