Lab Activities

Determination of head loss coefficient in pipe bends

pipe bends


The aim of this experiment is to determine the head loss coefficient in pipe bends.


In fluid mechanics, the head loss coefficient in pipe bends is an important parameter that is used to determine the pressure drop that occurs due to fluid flowing through a pipe bend. The head loss coefficient is a dimensionless parameter that depends on the geometry

of the pipe bend, the Reynolds number, and the angle of the bend.

pipe bends

Apparatus and Material required:

1. A pipe bend of known angle

2. A pump,

3. A flow meter

4. A manometer

The pipe bend is connected to the pump, which delivers a constant flow rate of water through the pipe bend. The flow rate is measured using a flow meter, and the pressure drop across the pipe bend is measured using a manometer.


  1. The apparatus is set up, with the pipe bend connected to the pump, flow meter and manometer.
  2. The flow rate is adjusted to a known value using the flow meter.
  3. The manometer is used to measure the pressure drop across the pipe bend for different flow rates.
  4. The experiment is repeated for different angles of the pipe bend.
  5. The head loss coefficient is calculated using the following equation:

K = (ΔP/ρv²)*(D/2R)^0.5

where K is the head loss coefficient,

 ΔP – the pressure drop across the pipe bend,

ρ – the density of the fluid, v is the velocity of the fluid,

D – the diameter of the pipe, and

R – the radius of curvature of the pipe bend.

The experiment is repeated for each angle of the pipe bend to obtain a range of values for the head loss coefficient.


The head loss coefficient is calculated for each angle of the pipe bend, and a trend line is drawn through the data points to determine the relationship between the head loss coefficient and the angle of the pipe bend. The results are analyzed to determine the accuracy and repeatability of the experiment.


  1. The flow rate should be kept constant throughout the experiment to ensure accurate results.
  2. The manometer should be carefully calibrated before use to ensure accurate pressure readings.
  3. The pipe bend should be carefully cleaned to remove any debris or blockages that may affect the flow rate.
  4. The experiment should be repeated multiple times to ensure accuracy and repeatability.


In conclusion, the head loss coefficient in pipe bends was determined using an apparatus consisting of a pipe bend, a pump, a flow meter, and a manometer. The head loss coefficient was calculated using the pressure drop across the pipe bend and the velocity of the fluid.

The results obtained from the experiment were analysed to determine the relationship between the head loss coefficient and the angle of the pipe bend. The experiment was found to be accurate and repeatable, and the results were consistent with theoretical predictions.

The knowledge gained from this experiment can be used to design piping systems that minimize pressure drop and maximize efficiency.

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