Core Concepts

Qualities of a Good Brick



Bricks have been used as a prominent building material for centuries and serve as a base material for most engineered structures. They are durable, and versatile and offer a classic aesthetic to any structure.

However, not all bricks are made equally. They often differ in their composition, quality, and durability.

A good brick should possess certain qualities and properties which make it ideal to be used in any construction work. Some of the major qualities of a good brick are strength, hardness, water resistance, availability, and cost.

In this article, we will examine and explore the characteristics of a good brick.

Major Qualities of a Good Brick

1. Durability

Durability is the key component and most important quality of a good brick. A brick should be able to withstand the damages caused by the environment and daily wear and tear. It is ideally not a good idea to use a brick for construction purposes that easily crumbles or chips off.

Durable bricks should be able to withstand harsh weather conditions including earthquakes, hurricanes and heavy rainfall without cracking, chipping or disintegrating. They should also,

 be able to withstand the weight of the building or structure they are supporting without breaking or deforming.

2. Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is another crucial property of a good brick. This refers to the ability and capacity of a brick to withstand pressure and resist being crushed when a heavy load is applied to it.

Bricks with high compressive strength are better equipped to bear heavy loads such as the weight of a building or a car parked in a driveway. The compressive strength of a building can easily be determined using a compression testing machine.

3. Low Water Absorption

Water absorption in bricks is their ability to absorb water. Brick that absorbs too much water easily becomes weak. They are also highly prone to deteriorating and susceptible to damage. A good brick should have a low water absorption rate.

A brick which does not absorb more than 20% of its weight in water is considered to have a low water absorption rate. This is very important because bricks that absorb too much water can easily,

get damaged by freezing and thawing cycles. They can also become a breeding ground for mould and mildew which causes harm to the structure in the long run.

4. Uniformity

A good brick should have consistency in its dimensions, contours and hue. That means it should be uniform in shape, size and colour. This ensures that the bricks can be laid and set in a regular,

 consistent and aesthetically pleasing manner. Bricks that vary in shape and size make the construction process more complicated.

They usually result in a less appealing and unattractive end product. The reason why uniform colour is important is that it ensures that the finished structure is unified and has a cohesive and consistent look.

5. Resistance to Chemicals

During their course of existence, bricks are exposed to a wide variety of chemicals including acids, alkalis and salts. A good brick should always be resistant to these chemicals.

They should be impervious to various chemical substances and not lose their quality when exposed to them. Resistance to chemicals particularly becomes very important when it comes to the industrial setting where chemicals are frequently used and come in,

contact with bricks and walls.

6. Thermal Conductivity

The ability of a material to conduct heat is known as thermal conductivity. A good brick should have a low thermal conductivity. It means that it should be a good insulator and should not allow heat to escape easily.

This is important because it helps to keep the interiors of a building warm in cool weather conditions and cool in warm weather.

7. Fire Resistance

Bricks are often used in the construction of buildings and structures that can withstand fire. A good brick should be able to tolerate high temperatures without cracking, crumbling or disintegrating.

This becomes very crucial in case of a building fire. A brick with high fire resistance prevents the spread of fire and protects the occupants of the building from harm or injury.

8. Sound Insulation

Bricks are commonly used for soundproofing and providing sound insulation on walls and floors. A good brick should have a high sound insulation value. It should be able to block out noise from external sources and prevent sound from,

travelling between rooms. This becomes very important for buildings that are located in noisy areas such as highways or airports.

9. Availability and Cost

While the above-mentioned qualities are preferably important, the availability and cost of brick also play a very important role in its selection. Apart from providing strength to the building and resistance to various elements, a good brick should also be easily accessible.

It should be readily available at reasonable prices to aid in the timely construction process. This becomes crucial in large-scale construction projects where a tremendous amount of bricks are needed and also keeping in mind the time constraints.


1. How to determine the cohesive strength of a building?

Ans. The cohesive strength is generally determined using a compression testing machine

2. What happens when a brick absorbs too much water?

Ans. If a brick absorbs too much water, it easily becomes weak and prone to damage and deterioration.

3. Why is it important to use uniform bricks?

Ans. It is important to use bricks which are uniform in size, shape and colour. It ensures that the bricks are laid in a consistent, regular and aesthetically pleasing manner.

4. What factors should be considered while choosing a good brick?

Ans. The various factors which need to be considered while choosing a good brick are:

  • Durability
  • High compressive strength
  • Low water absorption rate
  • Uniformity in shape, size and colour
  • High resistance to chemicals
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • High resistance to fire
  • Good sound resistance
  • Ease of accessibility
  • Reasonable cost

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