Lab Activities

Water Absorption Test on Bricks:


Understanding the Porosity and Durability of Construction Materials


  1. To determine the water absorption rate of bricks.
  1. To assess the suitability of bricks for different construction applications based on their water absorption rate.


Bricks are a widely used building material due to their durability, strength, and aesthetic appeal. However, one of the major issues that can affect the quality of bricks is their ability to absorb water. Water absorption can weaken bricks,

and make them susceptible to damage from weathering and freezing. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the water absorption rate of bricks before using them for construction purposes. In this lab activity, we will perform a water absorption test on bricks to determine their ability to absorb water.

This test involves soaking the bricks in water for a specified period of time and then weighing them to calculate their water absorption rate. The results of this test will be useful for determining the suitability of bricks for various construction applications.

Apparatus & Materials required:

he materials required for this experiment include a sample of bricks, a measuring cylinder, distilled water, and a drying oven. The steps for conducting the water absorption test are as follows:

  1. Weigh the dry sample of bricks and record the weight.
  1. Immerse the bricks in distilled water for 24 hours, ensuring that the water level is above the bricks.
  1. After 24 hours, remove the bricks from the water and wipe off any excess water using a cloth.
  2. Weigh the wet sample of bricks and record the weight.
  3. Place the wet bricks in a drying oven at 105°C for 24 hours.
  4. After 24 hours, remove the bricks from the oven and weigh them again.


The results of the water absorption test can vary depending on the type and quality of the bricks. However, in general, the water absorption rate should be below 22% to ensure the material’s durability.

If the water absorption rate is too high, the bricks can absorb moisture from the environment, leading to structural damage and reduced lifespan.

Data Analysis:

Using the recorded weights, we can calculate the water absorption rate of the bricks. The water absorption rate is defined as the ratio of water absorbed by the bricks to the weight of dry bricks, expressed as a percentage.

We can also use the water absorption rate to classify the bricks into different categories based on their porosity. The British Standards (BS) define the following categories:

  • Class 1: Water absorption rate of less than 7%
  • Class 2: Water absorption rate of 7% to 22%
  • Class 3: Water absorption rate of more than 22%


The water absorption test is a simple and effective way to assess the porosity and durability of bricks. By understanding the water absorption rate, we can select the appropriate type of bricks for different construction projects. For example,

Class 1 bricks are suitable for exposed areas or areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms or swimming pools, while Class 3 bricks are only suitable for internal walls.


In conclusion, the water absorption test is an essential tool for assessing the quality of bricks used in construction. The test provides valuable information on the porosity and durability of the material, which is essential for ensuring the longevity and stability

of the building. By selecting the appropriate type of bricks based on the water absorption rate, we can ensure that the building is strong, durable, and resistant to moisture damage.

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